Project is inspired by the myth of the goddess Mokosha who is part of Slavic mythology. Mokosha is the protector of women, the goddess of spinning and knitting and protector of women’s destinies. Furthermore, she is the goddess of fertility. Slavic cultures imagined her as a woman with a big head and long arms who would walk around houses and watch the past, while rewarding those who were worthy and punishing those who were not.
On the other hand, there is a widespread belief that Mokosha is an evil deity and that her statue resembles a terrifying composure of different animals. According to this interpretation, Mokosha means torment and trouble while being ugly and nasty and symbolizing all human passions. She is sometimes called Mokosh, Mokusha or Moksha.
The look of this outfit consists of a long red skirt that symbolizes female fertility and innocence, a choker that resembles a feeling of tightness and suffocation, symbolizing punishment, red tights that touch the female genitals as a symbol of passion, and a linen shirt that is part of men’s clothing present in Slavic folklore.